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Text File  |  1994-07-06  |  18.0 KB  |  232 lines

  1. =============================================================================
  2. | Flora                                | O. T. Word        | O. T. Reference |
  3. =============================================================================|
  4. | a blossom                            | nsh               | Job 15:33       |
  5. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  6. | a salty plant                        | mlwh              | Job 30:4        |
  7. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  8. | acacia tree                          | sth               | Exod. 25:5      |
  9. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  10. | almond tree                          | lwz               | Jer. 1:11       |
  11. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  12. | almond tree                          | sqd               | Gen. 30:37      |
  13. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  14. | almug wood                           | 'lmgym            | 1 Kings 10:11   |
  15. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  16. | aloe tree                            | 'hlwt             | Ps. 45:8        |
  17. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  18. | apple tree                           | tpwh              | Song of Sol. 2:3|
  19. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  20. | asphodel, crocus                     | hbslt             | Isa. 35:1       |
  21. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  22. | baka shrubs                          | bk'               | 1 Chron. 14:14  |
  23. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  24. | balsam shrub                         | bwsm              | Song of Sol 5:1 |
  25. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  26. | barley                               | s'wsn             | Exod. 9:31      |
  27. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  28. | bay tree                             | 'zrh              | Ps. 37:35       |
  29. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  30. | bdellium, gum-resin from a tree      | bdwlh             | Num. 11:7       |
  31. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  32. | bitter herbs                         | mrwr              | Exod. 12:8      |
  33. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  34. | black cummin                         | qsh               | Isa. 28:25      |
  35. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  36. | blossom, flower                      | sys, sysh         | Num. 17:5       |
  37. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  38. | boxthorn                             | 'td               | Judg. 9:14      |
  39. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  40. | brier                                | hdq               | Mic. 7:4        |
  41. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  42. | briers                               | syt               | Isa. 5:6        |
  43. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  44. | broad beans or horse-beans           | pwl               | 2 Sam. 17:28    |
  45. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  46. | broom tree                           | rwtm              | Ps. 120:4       |
  47. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  48. | burnet, thorny bush                  | syrg              | Isa. 34:13      |
  49. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  50. | camel-thorn                          | n'ss              | Isa. 7:19       |
  51. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  52. | caper-berry                          | 'bywnh            | Eccles. 12:5    |
  53. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  54. | cassia buds                          | qsy'h, qdh        | Ezek. 27:19     |
  55. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  56. | cassia, cinnamon-flowers             | qsy'h             | Ps. 45:8        |
  57. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  58. | castor-oil plant or a gourd          | qyqywn            | Jonah 4:6       |
  59. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  60. | cedar or fir tree                    | 'rz               | Ezra 3:7        |
  61. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  62. | cinnamon                             | qnmwn             | Song of Sol 4:14|
  63. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  64. | coriander                            | gd                | Num. 11:7       |
  65. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  66. | cucumber                             | qs'h              | Num. 11:5       |
  67. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  68. | cummin                               | kmwm              | Isa. 28:25      |
  69. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  70. | cypress tree                         | t'swr             | Isa. 41:19      |
  71. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  72. | darnel                               | b'sh              | Job 31:40       |
  73. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  74. | date palm                            | tmr               | Exod. 15:27     |
  75. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  76. | ebony (tree)                         | hbnym             | Ezek. 27:15     |
  77. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  78. | emmer-wheat                          | ksmt              | Ezek. 4:9       |
  79. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  80. | fig tree                             | t'nh              | 2 Kings 18:31   |
  81. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  82. | galbanum                             | hlbnh             | Exod. 30:34     |
  83. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  84. | garlic                               | swmym             | Num. 11:15      |
  85. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  86. | gopher wood                          | gwpr              | Gen. 6:14       |
  87. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  88. | grain, cereal                        | dgn               | Deut. 7:13      |
  89. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  90. | grain, wheat                         | br                | Gen. 41:35      |
  91. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  92. | grape vine                           | srqh              | Gen. 49:11      |
  93. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  94. | grass or cattails                    | hsyr              | 1 Kings 18:5    |
  95. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  96. | great or stately tree                | 'lh, 'lwn         | Gen. 13:18      |
  97. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  98. | green plant                          | yrq               | Gen. 1:30       |
  99. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  100. | greens, vegetables                   | yrq               | Prov. 15:17     |
  101. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  102. | henna                                | kwpr              | Song of Sol 1:14|
  103. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  104. | hyssop                               | 'zwb              | Exod. 12:22     |
  105. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  106. | juniper or fir tree                  | brwt              | Song of Sol 1:17|
  107. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  108. | juniper tree                         | 'r'r              | Jer. 17:6       |
  109. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  110. | juniper tree                         | brws              | 1 Kings 19:4    |
  111. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  112. | laurel tree                          | 'wrn              | Isa. 44:14      |
  113. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  114. | leek                                 | hsyr              | Num. 11:5       |
  115. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  116. | lentils                              | 'dsym             | Gen. 25:34      |
  117. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  118. | lily, lotus flower                   | swsn              | 1 Kings 7:19    |
  119. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  120. | mallow                               | 'wrh              | 2 Kings 4:39    |
  121. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  122. | mandrake tree                        | dwd'ym            | Song of Sol 7:13|
  123. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  124. | melon                                | 'btyh             | Num. 11:5       |
  125. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  126. | myrrh                                | lwt               | Gen. 37:25      |
  127. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  128. | myrrh, resin                         | mwr               | Exod. 30:23     |
  129. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  130. | myrtle                               | hds               | Isa. 41:19      |
  131. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  132. | nard                                 | nrd               | Song of Sol 1:12|
  133. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  134. | new grass                            | ds                | Deut. 32:2      |
  135. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  136. | oil grass                            | qnh htwb          | Jer. 6:20       |
  137. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  138. | olive tree                           | zyt               | Judg. 9:8       |
  139. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  140. | onion                                | bsl               | Num. 11:5       |
  141. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  142. | papyrus                              | gwm'              | Isa. 35:7       |
  143. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  144. | pistachio nuts                       | btnh              | Gen. 43:11      |
  145. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  146. | plane-tree                           | 'rmwm             | Ezek. 6:13      |
  147. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  148. | plants                               | 'sb               | Gen. 31:8       |
  149. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  150. | poisonous plant                      | rw's              | Deut. 29:18     |
  151. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  152. | pomegranate tree                     | rmwn              | 1 Sam. 14:2     |
  153. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  154. | poplar, willow                       | 'rbh              | Isa. 44:4       |
  155. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  156. | reed                                 | 'hw               | Job 8:11        |
  157. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  158. | reed                                 | qnh               | 1 Kings 14:15   |
  159. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  160. | reed                                 | swp               | Exod. 2:3       |
  161. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  162. | reed, bullrush                       | 'gmwm             | Isa. 58:5       |
  163. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  164. | reed, papyrus                        | 'bh               | Isa. 18:2       |
  165. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  166. | resin from a shrub ?                 | nk'wt             | Gen. 37:25      |
  167. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  168. | resin, mastic tree                   | sry               | Gen. 37:25      |
  169. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  170. | root                                 | swrs              | Isa. 53:2       |
  171. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  172. | saffron                              | krkwm             | Song of Sol 4:14|
  173. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  174. | shrub, bush                          | syh               | Job 30:4        |
  175. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  176. | sorghum                              | dwhn              | Ezek. 4:9       |
  177. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  178. | sour or wild grapes                  | b's               | Isa. 5:2        |
  179. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  180. | stalks of flax                       | pst               | Josh. 2:6       |
  181. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  182. | stinging nettle                      | srpd              | Isa. 55:13      |
  183. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  184. | storax tree                          | lbnh              | Hos. 4:13       |
  185. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  186. | sweet cane                           | qnh bwsm          | Exod. 30:23     |
  187. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  188. | tamarisk tree                        | 'sl               | Gen. 21:33      |
  189. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  190. | thick oak                            | 's 'bwt           | Ezek. 6:13      |
  191. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  192. | thistle                              | drdr              | Hos. 10:8       |
  193. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  194. | thorn                                | sk                | Num. 33:55      |
  195. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  196. | thorn bush                           | qws               | Gen. 37:25      |
  197. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  198. | thorn bush                           | smyr              | Isa. 5:6        |
  199. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  200. | thornbush, thistle                   | hwh               | 2 Kings 14:9    |
  201. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  202. | thorns                               | brqwm             | Judg. 8:7       |
  203. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  204. | thorns                               | slwn              | Ezek. 28:24     |
  205. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  206. | thorny shrub                         | s'lym             | Job 40:21       |
  207. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  208. | thorny shrub                         | snh               | Deut. 33:16     |
  209. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  210. | tree                                 | 's                | Deut. 22:6      |
  211. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  212. | tumbleweed                           | glgl              | Isa. 17:13      |
  213. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  214. | unripe figs                          | pg                | Gen. 3:18       |
  215. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  216. | vetch, wild artichoke ?              | hrwl              | Job 30:4        |
  217. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  218. | vine                                 | gpn               | 2 Kings 4:39    |
  219. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  220. | walnut tree                          | 'gwz              | Song of Sol 6:11|
  221. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  222. | weeds, nettles                       | qmws              | Hos. 9:6        |
  223. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  224. | wheat                                | hth               | Exod. 9:32      |
  225. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  226. | wild gourd                           | p'wqwt            | 2 Kings 4:39    |
  227. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  228. | willow tree                          | spsph             | Ezek. 17:5      |
  229. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|
  230. | wormwood (tree)                      | l'nh              | Prov. 5:4       |
  231. |--------------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------|